PancakeSwap is one of the premier decentralized exchanges that utilizes the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Pancakeswap can connect to any browser based wallet that can use Binance Smart Chain such as Trust Wallet or MetaMask. Similar to what Uniswap is to the Ethereum (ETH) chain, PancakeSwap allows users to trade their BNB for other coins that exist on the Binance ecosystem (BEP-2 and BEP-20).
Trade → Exchange
Once you are in the exchange function and have connected your wallet you should see your BSC balance. You will also see a dropdown menu with many other tokens listed. There may be times where the token you are seeking will require you to add the token address to the list. Always make sure to get your contract address from a reputable source.
Gas on the Binance Smart Chain
In order to pay for gas on the Binance chain you must utilize the BSC token. In order to execute trades or stake you will need to have ample BSC for transaction gas fees. Please note that BSC fees have traditionally been minimal compared to ETH chain fees.